Monday 3 December 2012


This recipe makes a delicious homemade ricotta and yet is really quite easy to do and takes very little time. The cheesecakes that I make with this ricotta are themselves so tender and melt in your mouth.


1L whole milk
250ml double cream
250g natural yoghurt
3tbs lemon juice

You will also need a saucepan, sieve, muslin cloth and large bowl.
Makes about 400 - 450g of ricotta

In a large saucepan, combine the milk and double cream and put it on a low heat, stirring occasionally. The milk/cream mixture does not need to boil: wait until small bubbles start appearing and add the yoghurt and lemon juice. This should immediately cause the curds to separate out from the mixture: if it does not, just add a little more lemon juice. Take the pan off the heat, stir well and leave it for about 5 minutes.

Line the sieve with the muslin cloth and place over a large bowl. Pour the mixture into the muslin cloth, and leave to drain for about 1 hour. Take up the corners of the muslin and squeeze very gently - do not squeeze too tight, otherwise the ricotta will be very dry. Discard the liquid in the bowl. Put the ricotta into a container, cover with a lid/clingfilm, and store in the refrigerator for 6 hours.
It is that simple, but the taste is extraordinary! I'm sure you will not want to have ricotta from a shop anymore.

 Enjoy your meal!

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